Thursday, September 12, 2013

Absence of Logos and Ethos in our media today

So who doesn't love to watch Fox News? I mean if you are down, in a shitty mood, lacking the humor of life, turn on good 'ol Fox and laugh along to their attempt to report logical, unbiased news. If ever a media outlet lacked correct and logical euthymeme's, it would have to be Fox. In the link here you can find some examples of this (scroll down a ways). Anyway thought I would share my thoughts, hopefully no one in class actually watches Fox news with any seriousness.

Haha talk about biased rhetoric....on my part. I would rather like to think of it as factual in nature, and true in discourse.

I will always remember one instance of this, two years ago when Obama addressed the nation on the assassination of Osama bin Laden, Fox news had rolling across the bottom of the screen "Obama bin Laden assassinated".... I mean really? Just a small typo to air on national, live news? Like that would have ever been "looked" over by other news stations (most likely).

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