Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Searching For The Storyteller: A Tale

And finally movie critics and viewers sigh, as one, in relief to learn that the long anticipated feature film Searching For The Storyteller: A Tale has released a trailer. Youtube has been almost overloaded with video viewers cyboriously clamoring over each other to sneak a peek at the trailer. Comments are already in and viewers and critics rave their opinions:

Alex Sun of the Moonlight Times
"Honestly I don't know what he was trying to accomplish, if the film is anything like the trailer we are in for a ride of gut-wrenching film making and disastrous aftershocks in the cinema world."

Bridget conOndrum of the Out of Print Press
"I was ghastly offended and now I have to schedule even more meetings with my therapist..."

Bill Wolf of the RunningRabit Chronicle
" This is crap."

Click on the movie tab to view Searching For The Storyteller: A Tale 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Cavin, impressive video! It seems you have some experience doing this sort of thing, correct? That is, of course, an assumption. I'll ask you the same question I asked Carla and Lainey. How long did it take you to put this video together? Also, I love the title, especially the subtitle. Does that hint of a sequel?
