Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dancing on the Shoulders of Giants

Expressly delivered via the world wide web, I find the factualisms connected with human integration towards more interconnectedness within society's cliques, groups, and communities, have been developing for hundreds of years--if not thousands--towards a more effective and streamlined system that brings millions together with little hassle at all. That is one thing that stand out distinctly to me in this week's topics of the web and videos on the web, along with gaming, is that the amount of effort and planning that goes into sharing discourse to a certain selected or desired community has decreased by maximum levels. No more does it take three weeks to be prepared for a lesson you want to share with a sold out crowd at some venue (don't ask me what crowd sells out for lessons) you can prepare and share a video online in half the time, even quicker if you are tech savvy and prepared. Not only does the internet connect discourses globally, but it makes it so much easier for anyone to share what they have, or think they have, of importance for the world.
Something that seems to be of similar merit is the recent story of the fifteen year old boy that has made break through efforts in the cure for cancer. He needed resources to complete his experiment so he went to a renowned scientist through the internet to ask to use his resources and lab...now millions of people have the possibility to be saved. The interconnected communities found among the internet can largely change the world for the better, of course this is not black and white, the grey area contains both positive and negative side-effects within discourse communities. For instance you have communities like BBC but reversely you then have communities like Al Jazeera which largely contain discourse related towards global terrorism. Like any innovation there are the positive and negatives that will rear their heads in different ways.
Much like Dash's idea that those that see further than others are standing on the shoulders of giants, our giant is the collective modal data that incorporates our discourse communities and our golden egg is the revolutionary ideas that continue to evolve and develop further the idea of a more connected world that morphs and evolves off of the ideas and sundry techniques that captivate, motivate, and invigorate the world we live in today.

interconnected systems
standing on the shoulders of giants
schools connected by internet not geographical location

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I think that discourse is changing and perhaps it must reach out to the edges of this new way of thinking to find a happy medium. Like a pendulum swings back and forth before it finds equilibrium. Personally, I think it is exciting to see what discourse will look like in the future. Things are changing exponentially faster now than they used to (or maybe it just seems that way to me because I'm old). Anyway, the world of science fiction may now be upon us! Yay!
