Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wiki-leaks at it again

So I just came across this article detailing a multi-national trade agreement between nations that represent over 40% of the worlds gross domestic product. Wiki-leaks procured a 95 page tidbit from the trade agreement and published it for the entire world to see. It is amazing that something like Wiki-leaks  can bring previously unknown secrets to the light of those in the world. I have often thought about the vast scope of ignorance that citizens are kept in within this country, the secrets this government has from us… I know that sounds a bit like "Who really shot JFK" but at the same time, the pure genius gathered by our government and utilized into differing protracted uses certainly turns our country into the tip of the iceberg…what secrets are buried beneath tons of concrete and dirt? My Aunt who works for the government told me of weather programs developed by our government that can essentially control weather patterns and storms… I, like any skeptical person, was like "whatever, sure sure sure" but then she showed me some documents and reports and I did a little 180 to be more like "holy shit thats scary insane!"
Ignorance is best left to bliss, but what bliss can last with the fragile shell of ignorance futilely attempting to protect it…?    here is that article on the TPP 

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